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E-Learning Testimonials

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eLearning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered completely online

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Virtual learning is a learning experience that is enhanced through utilizing computers and/or the internet both outside and inside the facilities of the educational organization. The instruction most commonly takes place in an online environment

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You have the freedom to study and complete your coursework 24/7 from anywhere and at any time that suits your busy schedule. If you’re out of town on business, you can do your schoolwork back at the hotel, while you’re waiting for a connecting flight, or between meetings.

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Online degree programs are built on a structure of weekly assignments and due dates that you must meet, whether it’s taking an online test; posting homework, papers, and projects; watching a faculty presentation; or participating in a discussion with fellow classmates

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